Student Conduct
Every SJCian matters and the school aims to nurture a caring culture and positive climate for all.
Students learn well when there is order and discipline. At the same time, they need care, encouragement and space to learn from mistakes and improve. Discipline is an educative process, and the goal is to instill self-discipline and good character in SJCians, equipping them with the necessary social and emotional skills to behave thoughtfully and be responsible and respectful individuals.
Every SJCian is expected to be an individual with exemplary character and positive attitude towards school and the community. The following Code of Conduct should guide SJCians’ behaviour and actions at all times.
SJCians who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge.
SJCians will take the Pledge with their right fist over their heart.
All SJCians should stand at attention and face the flags when the National Anthem is being sung and the National Pledge recited.
Daily attendance during term time is compulsory. The same is expected for CCA and any activity organised by the school.
SJCians should submit to their Form Teacher, upon return to school, a valid Medical Certificate or Letter of Excuse (not more than 10 per year) from parents or guardians. Each letter should cover no more than 2 days of absences.
Absence from school without valid reason is considered as truancy.
SJCians should be punctual for school, CCA and other school activities.
SJCians should be present for morning assembly by 7.30 a.m.
SJCians are not allowed to leave the school premises before their scheduled dismissal time without permission.
SJCians who need to leave before the scheduled dismissal time should complete the ‘Early Release Form’. Parents or a close relative must give consent for students to be released early.
In school:
SJCians should show kindness and consideration to others at all times, to promote a positive And safe environment for teaching and learning.
SJCians are also expected to be responsible for the safekeeping of their personal belongings and considerate in the use of all school equipment and facilities.
Every SJCian is responsible for the locker assigned to her. The lockers are school property and may be searched by school authorities.
All food and drinks should only be consumed in the canteen. During timetabled snack break, students may eat in the classroom after seeking permission from the teacher. Students should maintain the cleanliness of classrooms by disposing of all litter in covered bins after eating.
SJCians are not allowed to have in their possession any weapons. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
In the classroom:
SJCians should observe the GROW protocol, as every lesson is an opportunity to grow in character and learning:
Classroom Protocol
Examples of Actions SJCians Should Exhibit
School Value
Greet each other
Respect one another
Greet the teacher(s) at the start and end of each lesson
Have Readiness
Be properly attired
Have the learning materials ready
Check Google Classroom/Student Learning Space for instructions on Home-Based Learning days
Ensure that classroom environment is ready for learning
Be Organized
Manage assignment timelines
Manage revision schedule
Check in with form teachers and subject teachers when you are not in school
Submission of MC/Letters
Follow up on homework and missed lessons
Have an Open mind for learning
Participate in class discussions
Be open to feedback
Embrace different viewpoints
Seek help from teachers and friends
Create a Welcoming classroom
Contribute to a positive classroom culture
Be kind in our words and deeds
Gratitude and Love
In public:
SJCians will be good ambassadors of the school and uphold the image of SJC. They should observe rules and regulations within the areas they are patronising or visiting at all times.
SJCians should also show respect for public spaces and the members of the community. They should be conscious of their behaviour and etiquette in public.
School Uniform
SJCians are to wear the prescribed uniform within and outside of school. Modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Pinafore must touch the knees and be zipped up at all time.
Only clean, white, low-cut shoes are to be worn. Shoes with fanciful designs (for example, coloured logos and patterns) are not permitted.
Only school socks or plain white socks are allowed. Socks must be worn at an appropriate length, and should not display logos.
Name tags must be worn at all times while in school. Name tags must be fully intact and not have additional embellishments.
Physical Education (PE) Attire
On days with Physical Education (PE) lessons, students are allowed to wear the PE T-shirt under their pinafore.
Only the school PE and shorts should be worn for PE lessons.
Students must leave the school premises wearing their pinafores.
On Fridays, students may wear any school-based T-shirt with their pinafore.
Short hair styles must not touch the collar of the blouse; fringes must be trimmed and kept above the eyebrows at all times.
Very short, shaven or undercut hairstyles are not allowed.
Long hair must be tied neatly with black, blue or white accessories.
Hair accessories and hairstyles must be kept neat, simple and not fanciful.
Hair must not be dyed, tinted, or highlighted.
Hair extensions are not permitted.
Nails are to be kept short and clean, without nail polish, clear-coloured nail strengthener or any other nail treatment.
Cosmetics and Make-up
Cosmetics (e.g. foundation, sunblock with foundation base, powder, lipstick, tinted lip balm, eyeliner, mascara, etc.) are not to be used
Eyebrows should not be drawn or embroidered
Eyelashes should remain natural and not be permed, lifted, or extended
Coloured or colour-enhancing contact lenses are not allowed
Jewellery and Accessories
Only one pair of plain, simple, identical ear studs can be worn at the lowest point of the earlobe.
Hoop earrings are not allowed for safety reasons during physical activities.
Jewellery and accessories of any other kind (e.g. tongue studs, nose ring, lip piercings, smiley piercings, helix stud, necklaces, bracelets, bangles, ankle bands, chains, rings, friendship bands, etc.) are not allowed.
All forms of body art, including tattoos and henna, are not allowed.
Medical patches (e.g. pimple patches) should be skin-toned and blend naturally.

Students are not to use personal digital devices, including smartphones, during lessons unless explicit permission is given by the teacher.
Electronic devices, including mobile phones and any other communication devices should be switched off and kept away in their lockers during school hours and CCA time, unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.
Pupils are responsible and accountable for the safekeeping of their personal belongings.
The school reserves the right to confiscate any electronic device if they are not used responsibly and appropriately. Once confiscated, the school may require the presence of a parent or guardian before the confiscated device is returned to the student.
SJCians should not charge their personal electronic devices in school, including their mobile phones.
Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) (e.g.,Chromebooks): Note-taking can be done on PLDs with DMA installed. Devices without DMAs should not be used. To prevent distractions, these devices should only be used for their intended educational purposes. Students should not attempt to uninstall the DMA or de-enroll the PLD from the DMA. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action in accordance with the school’s discipline policy. Your teacher’s permission is required if you need to take photos, videos or audio recordings during lessons.
Ethical Usage of PLDs. Students are to interact with others in the online learning community in a respectful and responsible way. Students should not attempt to access data, system and information that you are not authorised to.
Reading Devices (e.g., Kindles): Reading e-books is allowed in the spirit of sustainability. However, these devices should be kept away in lockers when not in use.
Smart Watches and Fitness Trackers: In line with SEAB guidelines for tests and examinations, any electronic device capable of scanning, storing, or displaying visual, verbal, or multimedia information—including smart watches with functions like data storage, MP3/MP4 players, cameras, photo galleries, and calculators, as well as fitness trackers—is not allowed.
Earbuds and AirPods: Students are advised to be responsible for the safekeeping of valuable devices such as PLDs and reading devices. Earbuds and AirPods should not be worn once on school premises. Your teacher’s permission is required for you to use the earbuds and airpods in class.
Minor Offences |
Possible Actions Taken by School |
Attendance and Punctuality
Minor offences committed persistently will be considered as a major offence.
Attire and Grooming
General Behaviour
Major Offences |
Possible Actions Taken by School |
General Behaviour
Referral to Law Enforcement Agencies |
Serious Offences
Note: The school reserves all rights to add, amend or adjust the school rules and regulations, disciplinary consequences necessary to support character development and maintain a safe and positive learning environment.
In CHIJ Schools, we uphold the basic principle of respecting the dignity
of each person we interact with. Everyone in our school community has the
responsibility and a role to play in building a safe learning environment
where we treat each other with respect and understanding. As such, our
school will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behaviour, including
any form of bullying, cyber-bullying, intimidation or retaliation.
Types of Bullying |
What it could look like |
Physical Bullying |
Verbal Bullying |
Social Bullying |
Cyber Bullying |
Any behavior performed through electronic or digital media platforms by individuals or groups that communicate hostile or aggressive messages, intended to inflict harm or discomfort against a victim. |

The examination rules apply to all forms of formal assessment, i.e. Weighted Assessments (WA), Semestral Assessments (SA) and Preliminary Examinations. Students should read, understand and comply fully with the examination rules. They are also responsible for checking and noting the dates and times of the various assessments.
You must be properly attired in your school uniform.
You should be punctual as no additional time for the paper will be allocated for late-comers.
Be seated at your assigned desk at least fifteen minutes before the commencement of the examination. (Applicable to SA and Preliminary Examination only)
Place your NRIC or other identification documents on your desk for verification during the examination. (Applicable to SA and Preliminary Examination only)
You are not permitted to have in your possession, while in the examination venues, any devices or materials not authorised for use in the examination. If these are found in your possession, you will be deemed as having committed an act of dishonesty and may be awarded a zero mark for the paper.

No form of communication is allowed among candidates in the examination venue.
Food should not be consumed in the examination venue.
Borrowing of stationery during the examination is not allowed.
The use of correction fluid/ tape on your answer script or writing paper is not allowed.
You are not allowed to leave the examination venue unescorted or without permission from the invigilator.
Answer scripts that are removed from the examination venue will not be accepted for grading by the examiners.
Disciplinary action will be taken against any student who breaches the examination rules.
Absence during an examination
If you are unable to sit for any examination due to illness, you must provide a Medical Certificate (MC) to cover your absence. Parent’s letter will not be accepted.
Inform the school or your Form Teacher of your absence. There will be no make-up examination for papers missed.
The MC, issued by a medical practitioner registered under the Medical Registration Act, must be submitted to your Form Teacher upon your return to school.
If you do not have a medical certificate to cover your absence, you may be given a ‘zero’ (0) for the papers missed.